Bread Basket.

Sorry its been few days since my last post – I’m still here though! I’ve had a pretty busy/exhausting few days at work and haven’t managed to finish any projects, let alone blog about them. I’ve finished a project tonight though, so here goes! 

My fiancee Dom is on holidays at the moment and so gets to have long leisurely breakfasts at home each day. In true European form, he likes to get fresh bread rolls from the bakery on the corner, and top with some (homemade, of course) butter, and any of a selection of cheeses, meats, and preserves. When we were away last weekend we had similar breakfasts at the B&B we were staying at, and they also had these cute wicker baskets lined with linen to serve the bread rolls in. I decided to copy.


I found this little basket at my favourite bargain store (I always buy cheap if I can, to reduce the waste of money if I fail miserably). I got some light brown linen and got going on trying to make a pattern.

I’m sure there are plenty of resources online for learning how to make a 3D pattern like this but I don’t go for resources straight away, generally. It’s probably not the best approach but I like to try something out myself the first time, and then if it goes horribly wrong, or even only a little wrong, I can look up what my mistakes were and then the ‘right way’ gets in my head more thoroughly than if I learned it all the right way off the bat. So, I measured the inside dimensions of the base of the basket and cut a rectangle, leaving a centimetre or so for the seam. I didn’t really know how to do the sides at the diagonal (as the basket is wider at the top), so I cut the material way too long for the sides, pinned it with plenty of overhang at both ends, and sewed it up.


The I put the whole thing in the basket and pinned the sides up to fit the shape as best I could, pinned it in and sewed those up too. I had cut the sides so they would overhang at the top, giving it a fold over that is tied at the corners. After a few mistakes and some quality time with my stitch un-picker, I managed to get the sides even and some ties attached. In the end it didn’t fit quite as well as it could have, but I’m pretty satisfied all the same. What do you think?




I’ll be back soon, see you then! 



3 thoughts on “Bread Basket.

  1. By the time i get over there you’ll have an entire meal plus accessories on the table. How is your pottery and metalwork going? You just get cleverer and cleverer! xx

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